Thursday, August 29, 2013

"The Long Run"

Last night I was tagged in a post on Facebook by a person I met back in 2009 at the CrossFit regional competition.  She was my judge for the first event...a miserable row and thruster WOD.  She, Pam, is pictured on the right and obviously, I am rowing.  And yes, I had ass white legs back then too.

Pam had tagged me in her blog entitled "Someone Who Inspires Me".  I was absolutely speechless and floored, but at the same time I could not stop, I have been called inspiring.  I have been called a lot of things and most are far from inspiring.  But her kind words really touched my heart, yes I do have a sensitive side and don't tell anyone!

So today, I started thinking...I have written blogs about the people that have gotten me through some really rough times, but have not even mentioned the numerous books, blogs, and my x-large puppy, Killian, that all played a roll in my first weeks of becoming sober.  I will have to save Killian for a separate blog, but I will say the compassion of my four legged friend is something no human could have provided. 

Going through the recovery process is not something that I was familiar with...I did not have any friends at the time that I could to turn to...mainly to ask questions like why is this happening, or why do I feel this way, or what the hell is going on.  So, I turned to books about anything and everything relating to alcohol addiction and recovery.  From celebrity books, to boring research studies, to one written by Mishka Shubaly, a relatively unknown writer at the time.  From his Facebook page:  "He writes true stories about drink, drugs, disasters, desire, deception and their aftermath. His work has been praised for its grit, humor, fearlessness and heart. 'The Long Run,' his mini-memoir detailing his transformation from alcoholic drug abuser to sober ultrarunner is one of the best-selling Kindle Singles to date."
His memoir alone helped me understand and come to terms with a lot of things that were happening in my life.  In other words, I could relate to it...and I highly recommend his story over any of the others that I read.  I don't know the guy personally and he sure doesn't need my plug to help him out...but if you know someone going through the recovery process, it is worth the read. 


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