Monday, August 12, 2013

Keep Going!

Yesterday was quite possibly one of my best event workout days to date.  But just one short week ago, I had my worst.  Highs and lows like that make you really appreciate the little things.  In my life, if there were or had been no lows, would I really appreciate the high points?  If you don't have a shitty day somewhere along the way, then there really is no reason to celebrate a good day.  How would you know what a good day was if life was all rainbows and unicorns?

The combination of these two sunday workouts has, as I said, made me appreciate some of the finer points and accomplishments of my sober life in the last ten  months.  If I had not over come my professional drunkenness, I would not have started lifting again.  If I had not started lifting again, there would be no reason to have a coach.  If I had not searched for the perfect coach, I would still not be squatting to this day.  And if I had never started squatting...well, there would be no strongman training at Barn up-coming competition in Cali. 

I still have a lot of work to do in my mental game as well as in speed and quickness.  But yesterday proved to me that it is all possible with a shit ton of work.  I PR'd my axle clean and press, had more consecutive 500# tire flips, moved further with the yoke, and started working with the 225# stone. 

And then I look back just ten months ago to when I started training.  None of this was even in my sights!  Strongman was something that I thought was really cool to watch my coach kick some ass at.  I struggled to squat a bar correctly!  Little by little, I gained more strength, learned better and better technique, and got my ass handed to me every time I worked out...I still do by the way.  It wasn't overnight that all this was day by day...workout to workout...ass kicking to ass kicking.  And each time, something came together for me to get me where I am right now. 

So, that crappy workout that I had two weeks ago...would my workout yesterday had been as successful if I didn't learn from it.  I say probably not.  Now I wonder was it really even that bad of a workout?         

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