Monday, July 22, 2013

the Barn Crew

Well this blog was inevitable and with a strongman competition coming up this weekend, I figured what better time than now! 

So we train at a barn.  I know what you are thinking.  A barn?  It is a barn full of strongman equipment owned and operated by the one and only Jill Mills.  I began my sunday trips to the barn one week prior to my first strongman competition.  That day was basically a quick run through of all the up-coming events, sweated my ass off, and home I went.  Now, strongman sunday is a ritual, impending bad weather or hot as hell, the crew takes on anything and everything that Jill throws at us...sometimes literally.

The "barn crew", as we have so been named, is made up of our coach Jill, who will show off by walking with, loading, or lifting twice the weight of anyone out there.  Then there is Rich, the first person I met training at the barn, and his wife Brandy, the former fitness competitor.  And finally, Gary, who I met for the first time at a competition in Ft. Worth. 

Just like any other group of training partners, we have really productive sundays and then we have those where we spend more time laughing at each other than actually doing work.  We talk a lot of trash, make fun of each other, but in the end cheer each other on through it all and sweat our ass off.  We have only all been training together since the beginning of June, but we are a small strongman family that was born in a barn.
Our crew will be traveling to Kennedale, Texas this weekend to compete in the 2nd Annual North Texas Strongest Man.  I wish my training partners the best! But no matter how we come out in the rankings we will have a great time, take lots of good pics, and probably share a few pop-tarts along the way. 
I love my crew!...sweat, dirt, tacky and all.  

our last training session at the barn
before the comp this weekend



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