Next weekend I am headed to Austin, Texas for the USPA Capital of Texas Open, my third full powerlifting meet. We will have a pretty good group headed up from San Antonio to represent Jill Mills' training, including a chunk of the Barn Crew. I truly enjoy this sport and the challenges it presents, even though you are required to wear a singlet (worst idea in the history of sport's uniforms).
Since I have been concentrating more on strongman competitions, this meet will be more of a test to see where I am on my lifts. I have remained pretty consistent on my bench, I hope to go a lot bigger on the deadlift, and it is always hit or miss as to whether my squat will show up or not. But if it does, my goal is to go over 200lbs. Yes, I am one of those that can bench as much as I squat. But considering where I started with my squat, over 200 would be a big accomplishment.
My other reason for choosing to compete in this meet is to work on becoming stronger mentally. During my last meet, I put myself in a position where I had to repeat my opening weight on my very first lift...something I have never experienced. I was shifting my weight really bad to one side, which I used to do all the time in Crossfit in attempt to avoid using an injured knee. Now, there is really no reason for it except for a lack of focus on my form. The squat issue then lead to me missing a lift on the butt came up on a fairly easy weight...again nothing but a lack of focus on my part. And finally, on my second deadlift, the weight was loaded improperly...5lbs or so heavier on one side. At this point, there was nothing else I could do but laugh. I was finally relaxed and not over or under thinking things and pulled an easy 315 on my final deadlift.
BUT the main reason I am going to Austin is to see my Barn Crew training partner, Rich, lift in a singlet. Just kidding!!! I can not wait to see everyone lift...some for the first time in a meet! Surrounded by a great group of friends, we will all have a good day and represent ourselves and our coach well! matter what anyone looks like in a singlet.
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