I am freakin' exhausted from two consecutive weekends of competition, travel days, and long days of work inbetween. I sure don't bounce back like I used to! So yesterday, for one single day, I came out of retirment to compete with a few long time CrossFit friends at the Alamo City Throwdown. The last time I competed was at regionals in 2010. And the last time I did a WOD at a CrossFit gym was well over a year ago...and 50lbs heavier...and probably drunk.
The Throwdown consisted of three team workouts and an individual two minute max effort workout. Our day began at 8:45am with the two minute max WOD where each team member was randomly assigned one of three movements. There was a one legged burpee over a bar, backward jump rope (singles), and my two minutes landed me on the bike. There was a sixty second transition period between teams, which went so fast, I forgot to adjust my bike. So for two minutes, I racked up 32 calories on a bike in which I could barely reach the pedals. My bad! Next to me, my teammate Art pedaled well into the 60s. It was a good warm-up for sure.
Our first team WOD was approximately an hour later. For the first portion, the three men shared a bar to reach a max snatch and the women shared a tiny 35lb bella bar to max out on the clean and jerk. I have to say going from training with an axle to lifting with a bella was not ideal. We started with a weight of 105lbs and increased five pounds after each lift. Once you were at failure, you were out and could not assist in loading/unloading. There was also a ten minute time cap. Erica went first and completed a 130lb lift...a 15lb PR. Misty hit 140lbs. And I was left with time to hit 150lbs. I failed at 155 with seconds remaining, and my rushed jerk got tossed straight over my head.
The second portion consisted of three people doing alternating kettlebell snatches and three doing burpee pull-ups. Since the kettlebell was a "hefty" 35lbs, I opted for that movement. Each person had to complete reps beginning with one and go up one each round. My team ended with 10 complete reps each and got almost halfway into the round of 11. It was by far the most fun WOD of the day.
The "Cuatros" were next. Each movement was a four minute max effort, alternating four reps at a time with a partner. I have to give my partner Q mad props for getting me through this WOD. He was non-stop and never dropped the bar on the back squat, so I was determined to match him. We started on hand release push-ups and killed it. The light back squat was next, and I have never wanted four minutes of my life to end quicker. It was more of a mental challenge to keep the bar on your back than to actually squat...and my shoulders were on fire from the push-ups. The third station was toes to bar. Epic fail on my part. Q was still killing it, but after two sets of four, I was down to doing singles and had no kip to help me out. The final station was a team shuttle run. With some solid runners on our team, not me, we got through 3-4 sprints each.
The final WOD of the day started with a one mile time trial. I was actually hoping to get hit by one of the semi's traveling up and down the main road. I couldn't even tell you the last time I ran a mile. But I pushed through it and we finished the day with 20 deadlifts, a 40ft lunge with the bar on your back, and 20 rack to overhead. I honestly thought I would roll the final 20 presses but had to pause with 5 reps left. Erica finished off the last set and we were done!!
My team, the Scalenators, finished in twenty something place, and I could not be happier with the determination and competitive fire that my team showed. It was an absolute pleasure to compete with Erica and Art again! Meet two newer crossfitters, Misty and Mike. And the last minute addition of Q made our team complete! On a side note, I was there the day that both Art and Q started CrossFit...and they have both made huge strides in the time since. It was a great day with friends, catching up with all of the old skool crossfitters, and best of all...it was a FUN event!!!
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